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CSV Transaction Processing

As defined in the File Format Definition, the transactions file you send will have a header that looks like this:

 Type;State;Referennce;CreditorTransactionRef;DebtorRef;CreditorRef;VATRef;PayRef;Currency;DocDate; DueDate;PaymentDate;GrossValue;TaxValue;PayRef;IsFundable;AlsoPayOffer
Type This denotes the type of transaction, can be a Credit, Invoice or Payment.
State This is the current state of the transaction, the full list of accepted statews can be found in the CSV File Format Definiton.
Reference This is the reference for the transaction you're importing.
CreditorTransactionRef This is the Supplier's invoice reference for the transaction you're importing.
DebtorRef Your reference for the Buyer company.
CreditorRef Your reference for the Supplier.
VATRef The VAT reference for the Supplier.
Currency The currency code used on the transaction you're trying to import.
DocDate The "tax point", or the issue date of the transaction.
DueDate The date the transaction is due to be paid.
PaymentDate The expected Buyer payment date.
RelatedTransactionRef Only applicable to Credits, in order to link it to an Invoice that's already in the system.
PayRef The payment reference.
Value The total value, excluding VAT.
GrossValue The total value, including VAT.
Tax Value The amount of tax applied to the transaciton line.
IsFundable Tells our system whether or not the transaction can be funded.
AlsoPayOffer Clears any attached offers from the transaction.