Corporate LinX Admin

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Master data is needed for ALL companies. This means we need the following data for all Buyers, Suppliers and Funders that are referenced by the same day’s Transactions file at least once, but we usually recommend matching the data in the master data file to the transactions sent that same day.

Data Overview

Element Name Type DescriptionRequired?
Perspective StringMust be one of:
  • Buyer,
  • Supplier,
  • Funder.
Name String The name of the company. Yes
Reference String Your system reference. Yes
GlobalTax String The Tax Reference of the company. Yes
Address.Line1String The first line of the company's address. No
Address.Line2 String The second line of the company's address. Yes
Address.City String The City or Town where the company is based.Yes
Address.Region String The Region/County where the company is based.Yes
Address.Country String The 2 Char ISO Country Code where the company is based.Yes
Address.Postcode String The Postcode of where the company is based. Yes
FundingType String Must be either:
  • Systematic
  • ALaCarte
This tells us how to configure this company for funding scenarios, if this is not provided, the transactions linked to this company will not be provided for funding.
FunderRef StringThis is the reference for the funder that will be used when funding this company’s transactions. No

Data Header Line

In the CSV file you send to us, it's important to note that you must include a header line that contains the above fields. Something that will look like this:



The data below shows an example of what we expect the data you send us to look like in your master data CSV file. Here, all the fields are populated, despite some fields being marked as optional.

Buyer;Corporate Linx;x1234;GB1234;Unit A;Rennie Gate;Andover;Hampshire;GB;SP10 3TU;Systematic;FR1234 
Supplier;Coporate Linx;xyz12;GB2345;Unit A;Rennie Gate;Andover;Hampshire;GB;SP10 3TU;ALaCarte;FR1234